Duvalay opbergtas luxe slaapzak
De Duvalay opbergtas is een makkelijke en luxe draagtas om uw Duvalay slaapzak of topper in op te bergen. De Duvalay tas is gemaakt van sterk en waterproof nylon polyester.
De Duvalay opbergtas is een makkelijke en luxe draagtas om uw Duvalay slaapzak of topper in op te bergen. De Duvalay tas is gemaakt van sterk en waterproof nylon polyester.
Vanaf €35,00
Name | Domain | Expiration | Path | Description |
pressidium_cookie_consent | | 6 months | / | De pressidium_cookie_consent cookie wordt gebruikt om de beslissing van de gebruiker met betrekking tot het accepteren of weigeren van cookies op de website vast te leggen. Dit helpt de website te voldoen aan wettelijke vereisten, zoals de Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming (AVG) in de EU, die voorschrijft dat websites expliciete toestemming moeten krijgen van gebruikers voordat ze niet-essentiële cookies mogen plaatsen. |
Name | Domain | Expiration | Path | Description |
_ga | | 1 year | / | Deze cookie is een tracking cookie die door Google Analytics wordt gebruikt om gebruikers te onderscheiden. Het hoofddoel van deze cookie is om website-eigenaren te helpen bij het bijhouden van bezoekersstatistieken door unieke gebruikers te identificeren en hun gedrag op de site te analyseren. |
_ga_WKQX33E8XC | | 1 year | / | Deze cookie is een tracking cookie die door Google Analytics wordt gebruikt om gebruikers te onderscheiden. Het hoofddoel van deze cookie is om website-eigenaren te helpen bij het bijhouden van bezoekersstatistieken door unieke gebruikers te identificeren en hun gedrag op de site te analyseren. |
Name | Domain | Expiration | Path | Description |
__Secure-3PAPISID | | 1 year | / | This cookie is set by Google and is used to store user preferences and information when viewing pages with Google maps on them. |
__Secure-1PAPISID | | 1 year | / | This cookie is set by Google and is used to store user preferences and information when viewing pages with Google maps on them. |
SAPISID | | 1 year | / | This cookie is set by Google and is used to store user preferences and information, such as the preferred language and browsing preferences. |
APISID | | 1 year | / | This cookie is used by Google to store user preferences and information when viewing pages with Google maps on them. |
SSID | | 1 year | / | This cookie is set by Google and is used to store user preferences and information, such as the preferred language and browsing preferences. |
HSID | | 1 year | / | This cookie is set by Google and is used to authenticate users, store session preferences, and perform security measures. |
__Secure-3PSID | | 1 year | / | This cookie is set by Google and is used to authenticate users, store session preferences, and perform security measures. |
__Secure-1PSID | | 1 year | / | This cookie is set by Google and is used to authenticate users, store session preferences, and perform security measures. |
SID | | 1 year | / | This cookie is set by Google and is used to authenticate users, store session preferences, and perform security measures. |
__Secure-ENID | | 1 year | / | This cookie is set by Google and is used to store user preferences and information, such as language preferences and customized search results. |
__Secure-3PSIDCC | | 1 year | / | This cookie is set by Google and is used to protect users' data from unauthorized access. |
__Secure-1PSIDCC | | 1 year | / | This cookie is set by Google and is used to protect users' data from unauthorized access. |
SIDCC | | 1 year | / | This cookie is set by Google and is used to protect users' data from unauthorized access. |
__Secure-3PSIDTS | | 1 year | / | This cookie is used for targeting purposes to build a profile of the website visitor's interests in order to show relevant and personalised Google advertising. |
__Secure-1PSIDTS | | 1 year | / | This cookie stores an encrypted timestamp that helps maintain user sessions and preserves their preferences and settings across various Google services and websites. The "__Secure-1PSIDTS" cookie is a secure persistent cookie, typically associated with Google services. |
NID | | 6 months | / | This cookie is set by Google and is used to store user preferences and information, such as language preferences and customized search results. |
AEC | | 6 months | / | YouTube / Google. AEC. AEC cookies ensure that requests within a browsing session are made by the user, and not by other sites. These cookies prevent malicious sites from acting on behalf of a user without that user's knowledge. |
SEARCH_SAMESITE | | 6 months | / | This cookie is used to prevent the browser from sending this cookie along with cross-site requests. |
DV | | 30 minutes | / | This cookie tracks and collects data to deliver and retarget ads tailored to user preferences based on specific websites visited. |
_fbp | | 2 days | / | This cookie is a first-party cookie, meaning Facebook placed it while a consumer is on Facebook. This cookie tracks a user's visits across different websites and reports that behavior to Facebook. Facebook can then use the data it collects to understand that user better and show better, more relevant advertising. |
_gcl_au | | 2 days | / | The cookie is used by Google Tag Manager to track and store conversions. |
_gid | | 1 day | / | This cookie is used for Google Analytics to store and update a unique value for each page visited. |
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